Serve : A way to give back

”F.I.R.E” – “It only takes a spark to get a fire going”

“F” – FRIENDSHIP  – Open up yourself to offer genuine friendship and welcome each other.

“I” – INVITATION – Invite your friends, neighbours and family to join us 

R” – RESEARCH – Welcome your input and help us to find out the need of the community. Please fill out our survey form. 

“E” – ENGAGE – Become a volunteer and make a difference in the community. There are many roles and task that need you. Please fill in our volunteer form.


 “燃點生命”   義工計劃

“F” – FRIENDSHIP 友誼 – 以真摯的友誼彼此相待讓人感受到被歡迎和接納。

“I” – INVITATION 邀請 – 熱誠的邀請您的朋友、鄰居和家人加入我們的大家庭。

“R” – RESEARCH 創意硏究 – 歡迎您的意見, 並幫助我們瞭解社區的需求。請填寫我們的調查表。

“E” – ENGAGE 參與 – 投身成為一名志願者有許多角色和任務需要你,請填寫我們的志願工作表格。